Vol. 13, Number 1, 2017

Editorial board


Lеоnid Sjemchenkov, Yevgeniy Gayvoronskiy
The Ways of Universal Passive Solar System Checking in Architectural Concepts of Donbas Cities Buildings and Structures 

Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Abstract. The article contains the information about peculiarities of architectural and town-planning design of agroindustrial complexes located on the top of slag heaps – as one of the ways of universal passive solar system checking in architectural concepts of Donbas cities buildings and structures. The essence of universal passive solar system, along with town-planning, functional-planning, constructional-technical, spatial and three-dimensional aspects of the architectural concept of agro-industrial complexes are considered. The article emphasizes the role of suggested decisions for the integrated solution of such Donbas regional problems as architectural and town-planning development of post-industrial disrupted territories including slag heaps, industrial pits, slurry sumps, as well as for the formation and development of stylistic identity of architecture of Donbas cities buildings and structures.
Keywords: agroindustrial complexes, architecture of buildings and structures, regional style of architecture, slag heaps, universal passive solar system, Donbas mining cities.


Hafizulla Benai, Oksana Chukova
Comfortable Low Storied Accommodation in Modern Urban Environment 

Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Abstract. This article considers problems of projection and construction of comfortable low storied accommodation in modern urban environment. New trends in low storied accommodation building and connection of urban environment and modern low storied development. The dwelling problem is one of the most pressing problems of mankind. This problem is generated by the social reasons and has social contents. The modern rules of designing standard residential buildings leading to an increase in the quality of residential housing improvement. The question of luxury housing development and the problem of comfort of residential buildings. The ratio of the cities scale, their courtyards, lanes and streets. The increasing of population needs in comfortable living environment.
Keywords: low-rise housing, living environment, level of comfort, residential building, way of life, building density, blocked sections, comfortable urban environment.


Nickolay Sholukh, Alina Nad’iarna, Andrey Anisimov
Barierless Architecture Environment for Man with Disability in Institute of Higher Education and on Enterprise: Theoretical Researchers and Experimental Planning 

Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Abstract. The article deals with the creation of an affordable and comfortable environment and rehabilitation for people with sever disorders in the sensory field. The authors investigated the possibility of adaptation existing design solutions of higher educational institutions, as well as specialized training and production enterprise, specifically designed for the visually impaired. Particular attention is paid to the requirements of convenience special orientation and safe movement of persons with disabilities in the territories and in buildings considered object types. Based on the result of theoretical research and experimental design concludes the Importance and feasibility of engaging in solving this problem the methodology of the system approach and its derivatives.
Keywords: persons with disabilities, specific needs, higher educational institutions, training and production enterprises UTOS, functional and special reorganization and technological upgrading, ease of orientation and safety of moment, the efficiency of the object, social integration.


Hafizulla Benai, Ivan Baluba, Timur Radionov
Dynamic Improvement of Buildings and Structures in the Reconstruction as a Fundamental Process of Transformation of the Architectural Environment of Cities in the Conditions if Development of Innovative Technologies 

Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Abstract. The article examined and studied the complex issues related to the scientific and practical approaches in the field of reconstruction of objects of architecture, showing that the buildings and structures, the implementation of which was made in the standardization period to date with the architectural and town-planning point of view, need to be improved and transformation. Authors of the article special attention is paid to the circumstance in which the process of dynamic improvement of buildings and structures with high moral and physical wear and tear can have a positive socio-economic impact on the condition of development of unique design solutions for the reconstruction, based on the needs of society and the capabilities of modern innovative technologies that conditions will meet the current regulatory and legal framework.
Keywords: dynamic organization, improvement, renovation, conversion, unique design solutions, study, development, socio-economic impact.